Achieving consistent quality starts with concise, user-friendly procedures and the effective implementation of these procedures. Each section of our business is responsible for maintaining our product and service quality. A "do it right the first time" approach is the key to quality production, productivity improvement, and customer satisfaction.

Problems are to be identified and solved efficiently and cost effectively. Our processes, with input from our employees, are to be continually reviewed and improved wherever possible.

Our Quality Manual describes the capabilities of our Quality Management System to provide effective, consistent and integrated control over our operating requirements.
I ask every employee to be pro-active and become fully involved in achieving our company’s objectives.

We are committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for our employees, clients, contractors and visitors.

We shall:
•Ensure compliance with a The Health and Safety Act
•Provide documented procedures to ensure safe systems of

•Provide information, instruction, training and supervision to
 employees, contractors and customers to ensure their health
 and safety

•Provide support and assistance to employees
•Ensure our employees are provided with a healthy and safe

Our management team is responsible for:
•Developing, promoting and implementing health and safety
 policies and procedures

•Ensuring that employees are trained to perform their assigned
 tasks in a safe way

•Providing resources to meet health and safety commitment.

Employees are responsible for:
•Following all health and safety policies and procedures
•Reporting all known or potential hazards to their immediate

•Contributing towards improving the Workplace Health and
 Safety performance of our organisation.

We are committed to consultation and cooperation between management, employees and elected health and safety representatives on health and safety issues as they arise.

PFP Systems Pty Ltd is committed to conducting business operations in an environmentally responsible manner. Environmental objectives have been formulated with reference to the ISO 14001 standard.

PFP Systems Pty Ltd shall:
•Ensure legal environmental requirements and obligations are
 adhered to.

•Maintain environmental management systems to recognized
 standards including ISO 14001.

•Commit to the prevention of unnecessary pollution.
•Give equal respect to environmental issues as economic, safety and
  quality issues.

•Take remedial action where performance does not meet

•Ensure personnel are aware of the environmental policy and
 promote a culture for employees to contribute to the company’s
 environmental performance.

•Train employees to encourage awareness of environmental issues.
•Promote our employees to participate fully in implementing and
 improving the company’s environmental performance.

•Ensure that enough resources are provided for employees to
 operate in an environmentally responsible manner.

•Set measurable objectives and targets.

New Zealand

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Passive Fire Protection Systems (NZ) Ltd

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